An Australian Winter
Going to your home for a holiday is a privilege (one of the many) of the expat. And when you arrive to a winter warmer than the superb summer you left, you know you are truly lucky.
Spending quality time with my family, my friends and my familiar spaces, was a real joy that filled me up.
Sometimes I am homesick, but it is less often than I expected. Technology and cheap internet mean that I have regular and deep conversations with my family ‘face to face’. I get text updates or like photos of my friends, living lives in scenes I remember and at new places I am excited to try. But being there is always different.
I only complained once that I hadn’t had a meal to myself in my three weeks at home. Andy reminded me what a ridiculous thing that is to complain about. I am so lucky to have been so busy, to have so many people to share my time with, and I am truly grateful. I drunk a lot of good coffee and wine, hearing and sharing stories during these moments.
I left Australia after three weeks filled with as many meaningful interactions with special people as I could manage – I am only sad there wasn’t time for more.
But being back in Glasgow, my beloved new home is brilliant, too. I feel full and fortunate to have all of this.